Att drabbas av cancersjukdom under barndomen. Om existentiell sårbarhet och kraft i ett långtidsperspektiv
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existential health; childhood cancer survivors; long-term follow-up; follow-up clinic


The aim of this study was to describe existential issues in adult childhood cancer survivors (n=322) who visited the long-term follow-up clinic in Gothenburg, Sweden, from November 2012 to December 2019. A questionnaire was used, including 13 items reflecting existential aspects of survivorship. The most common concern was related to feeling responsible for living a meaningful life. The results showed an increased existential vulnerability among women in comparison with men, those who received diagnose in their teens compared to those who fell ill at younger ages, those treated with radiation in comparison with those who did not receive radiation, and those who had been treated for a brain tumour compared to other cancers. In conclusion, existential issues need to be addressed as part of the follow-up visits after childhood cancer.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Margaretha Stenmarker, Maria Olsson, Marianne Jarfelt