Ett nytt sätt att behandla livsstilssjukdomar och befrämja existentiell hälsa med Livsstilsverktyget
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existentiell hälsa, livsstilssjukdomar, digital, prevention, folkhälsa


Livsstilsverktyget is a digital tool that was developed at Swedish universities to combine physical, psychological, social and existential health dimensions. The tool provides information about health and stimulates users to reflect on existential questions to implement the knowledge in their routines and manage their daily lives. It contains around 80 different themes, on food, exercise, stress, sleep but also on anxiety, negative automatic thoughts, loneliness and self-knowledge. Studies to date have shown that regular users of the tool get reduced blood pressure, blood glucose and body weight and improved well-being. tool is used by approximately 100,000 people, in several healthcare regions and in primary care. It is a new way to help people prevent and manage lifestyle diseases and psychic illness and to promote existential health.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Anders Rosengren